Saturday, August 17, 2013


Enough is enough already! I’m sorry to offend some writers and bloggers but athletes are not role models! Every time an athlete does anything he or she isn’t suppose to do I hear the same lame phrase. “As a role model he should have known better, millions of kids look up to him!” It’s a big load of you know what. Listen, we are all human and from time to time we do different things. Now, some of the things we do are good and positive and that’s great, I personally wish I would only do good things and never bad. The reality is we are all human and having the amazing ability to throw a ball 70 yards doesn’t somehow make us less human. That ability just makes some more visible than others. I know a lot of great shooters in the N.B.A. and I would love for my kids to learn to shoot with the deadly accuracy of say a Ray Allen or Steph Curry. These two gentlemen have absolutely beautiful jump shots. They connect with amazing accuracy, I love watching them play. When the game is over I don’t want my kids to be like Allen or Curry off the court. Truth be told, other than their jumper I don’t want them to act like them period. I am by no means taking anything away from these two men; they seem to be great ambassadors for the league.

 What I’m saying is that it’s their job to have a wicked jump shot; it’s my job to be the role model. You know the person that helped bring them into this world. “Hi!” You don’t hear very much about me but I’m the Parent! My job is to be the role model or the person that my son or daughter looks up to when it comes to how to best live their lives. I know it’s crazy but contrary to popular opinion I the parent should have more access to my kid than sports figures do. As a parent it’s great to be able to turn on the T.V. and say “Hey see that guy that just threw down that thunderous dunk, I want you to be like him for a couple of hours while I go to work. He should be all things to you! Model yourself after him, there’s a future in it.” Sound ridiculous you say? Well that’s what fans do all the time! Stop letting Lebron James raise your kids and get into the fight. How about if we stop blaming A-rod for our kids having bad morals and start spending more time with them to help shape said morals. I have absolutely grown tired of the phrase “whether we like it or not athletes are role models.” Says who? Who says they have to be? I mean if I’m raising my children the best I can then I don’t need Wayne Gretsky to be my son’s role model. The choice to give athletes the power to be role models is in whose hands? Who makes that decision? Society?  Circumstance?  Economic Condition?

WRONG!!!!  We as parents make that decision. I want my kids to model the best they can Kobe’s game not his stance on abortion or his after hour partying sessions! It’s entertainment; there is no reason to make it something that it isn’t. Sports have the ability to bring people together. How beautiful is it that people who can’t agree on anything can agree on how great football is? It brings different ethnic groups and races together like few other venues. It allows for so many people to relax and take a break from the real world. Sports and the athletes that play them are amazing and awesome but they are human beings who should be cheered and celebrated for their accomplishments in their respected arenas of sport. I can’t say it enough the one arena athletes should never be in is the ROLE MODEL ARENA unless they are mothers and fathers themselves! Let’s play ball not let’s play substitute parent! 

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